As the name of his blog ... " music guide "yes, of course, the contents of all music related. In this blog, to start just focusing on how to play guitar for beginners. His name is also for beginners, so for friends who are experts just ignore this post ... for those interested, quasi atuh seen ...

Lesson One: position in playing the guitar
1. Sitting position

In general there are 2 sitting position in playing the guitar: classical and casual positions. Crutch body guitar with your thighs, your seat position on the edge of the seat, make your body position should be relaxed but upright, lean slightly into your body guitar
2. Position Standing

Hanging / prop guitar dilehermu with straper (guitar straps). Try to position the guitar right in the middle of your body. Use your left hand to prop up the guitar neck and position your right hand to play the strings
3. Hand Position

Create your fingers and wrist relaxed in pressing the strings. Use your thumb to support and provide strength in pressing the strings
not easy .... It's all a fundamental theory that can be tried at first to hold the guitar. Hopefully useful

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