Thursday, May 27, 2010

Funniest (gay Sayings)

Chord C Major

my posts this time on reading guitar chord shapes . Images on this side are three types of images C major chord. For type 1 and 2 is usually used for low tone / medium, while for type 3 is his tone tends to be higher. Please his own practice yes, try to press the chord is, if confused about the symbols, see previous post .

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Obesity Chart In Singapore 2010

Doing Gymnastics Finger (fingering)

To start our practice, get used to doing gymnastics first finger (fingering). This should be done so that our fingers are not stiff and make it more flexible so that finger movements can become more agile, yes .. that's also sprained his finger nga

Here This way of doing the fingering on the guitar:

1. Place your index finger positions beginning on the fifth fret strings 1 (see posting elements on the guitar )

2. While holding the fifth fret on first string, ring it with a string also picked

3. Continue by pressing the sixth fret with the middle finger remains on the string 1 (position of the index finger remained in its original position, do not be lifted lho), while it also sounds a string a

4. Press the seventh fret with the ring finger still on the string 1 (position of the index finger and middle finger still in position), while sounding his strings a

5. Press the eighth fret with your little finger remains on string 1 (position the index finger, middle finger and ring finger remained in its position)

6. Now continue the steps from first to second string starting position of the index finger up to the string 2, the third position the other fingers remain in their respective position (middle finger = 1st fret the sixth string, seventh fret ring finger string = 1, little finger eighth fret string = 1)

7. After the index finger up to the string 2 on the fifth fret, second string ring

8. Continue to raise the middle finger to the string 2 on the sixth fret (remember, the second position the other fingers remain in its original position), ring a chord 2

9. Do the same for the other two fingers

10. After all the fingers on the strings position 2, raise again the strings 3. Keep the above ways (starting from how to-6) until all the fingers on the strings position 6

11. After all the fingers on strings 6, the lower back to string 5 with the index finger first sequence (each sequence finger stays on the same fret) continued with the middle finger, ring finger and little finger.

12. Do it until all the fingers back to string a

13. This fingering exercise for about 50-10 minutes

When done regularly, this exercise will greatly help fellow newbies. At first it's hard, but I'm sure my friends will.

Good practice

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Does Terrasil Work For Genital Warts

Reading Chord Symbols In

Chord is a unity of several notes that are played / pressed together so as to produce its own rhythm (language gaulnya key). In reading
guitar chord, there are some symbols you need to know:
= This symbol means the string open (not pressed) & sounded

= nah, this means that some string if pressed with a

x = this means that the strings sound muted so as not
without the = sign means strings are not sounded at all

Abbreviations: Dom = dominant
Aug = augmented
Dim = diminished
sus = suspended

Monday, May 17, 2010

Most Attractive Shade Of Blonde

Rhythm and Strings Strings Bass Guitar

Ok friends, according to my appointment on the post previous , now I will discuss about the rhythm and string bass strings ... get ready yes

1. Rhythm strings
Included class rhythm strings are strings 1, strings 2, and the strings 3; rhythm strings tend to have high tones. Ordinary strings rhythm notation used to play certain tunes (melody player), there are also notes quickly (typing style), or regular plucked

2. Bass strings
bass strings tend to have low tones. Ordinary played by rhythm combined with the strings when playing classical music or played alone (without strings rhythm). Ordinary Tehniknya plucked or dibetot (expert Technic)

Ok, a little theory of my ... (purely theoretical, when practice ... hehehe)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Acrostic Poems About Fitness

Udah nga long post, finally posting again .. huehehe beraniin
Without further ado, are now directly aja deh than tar trigger lazy
Based on my previous post position in playing the guitar , now we go about elements on the guitar . Guitar consists of 2 main parts (my version lho):
1. Body guitar : This section serves to produce the sound of the strings vibrations received. The principle works the same as the resonance tube where the vibrations received are converted into sounds we can hear
2. wire guitar : This part consists of "freight" and setting the tone guitar strings (guitar tuner gaulnya language .. hehehe).
Fret is that there are columns in which the six string guitar string rests. Emphasis chord (key tone) are different in every fretnya.
guitar tuner itself is a regulator of the size of the basic tone for each string. Following the basic tone of individual dimasing strings:
strings 1 : Basic Tone E
strings 2 : Basic Tone B
strings 3 : G base tone
strings 4 : Tone Basic D
Strings 5 \u200b\u200b : A basic tone
Strings 6 : fundamental tone E
For 6 string guitar itself is divided into two parts: rhythm strings (strings 1-3) and the bass strings (strings 4-6). For clarity I shall write in my next posting. Ok .. so first yes friend, I hope can be digested (emang food .. hehehe)
Source image:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Kate's Playground 2011

Elwing 1 / 8 Kotobukyia

the peer review of the figures wore a very long time, at least from the time when it was ordered in the middle of that year. Bad luck or fate govern wanted but I did not write it then - at least to this day.
Elwing is not just a heroine anime Shining Tears X Wind, but above all a series of games created at the time by Sega for the Playstation 2, or Shining Tears Wind and included in the Shining series of games launched in 1991. Unfortunately, toward the sufferings of the European players, the first of them left never the United States (and the imminent release przebąkiwano our market) while the other borders of Japan. For solace to fans of the Old Continent is falling back even after the aforementioned anime figurines representing a character or two games.
Sam figure is based on one of the jokes Tony'go That which is not as hard to guess Sega has hired herself as a character Designer aforementioned games. And for the actual execution of the statue took this time Kotobukyia company.
I will not conceal that the same figure quite aroused in me many emotions, especially when it came to unpack the package with the expected figure. And I have to admit that from the very beginning it was set as positive. And this time it did not disappoint, because the company Kotobukyia rose to the occasion, providing its customers with the most successful product. What immediately strikes the eye of the box and pulled the statue to light?
definitely its delicacy, which was very well put in a "piece" of plastic and which is characterized by even the heroine of the work Tony'go. And I'm not here just thinking of the same pose, but also the choice of colors, and the same expression, which shows not only a delicacy, but also the joy of a beautiful elf.
Elwing statue itself has been permanently attached to the base, which further reinforces my belief in the positive product Koto. In addition to the figures, we also find a box packed separately arc, in which we can if we want to equip Elwing, to complete the whole.
The same photo shoot, this time I decided to go for a pre-spotted hill, where I managed to do virtually all the photos. Which, unfortunately, not only overpaid fight of mosquitoes (it was quite late season), where the insects are not only intrusive odganiałem from each other, and poor Elwing. But the morning itching hands and feet:).

Unfortunately, to my disappointment figure itself is not without drawbacks, which really only noticed when browsing and selecting photos for this review. Because we always believed that what human eye can not pick it picks up the camera lens. What do you see just one or two pictures shown below. But it is not so serious flaw that really threw herself very eyes, and even more spoiled the most positive impressions from contact with the product of the Japanese company.
In so positive that I no longer long should see the next figure created by Elwing Kotobukyie.

Publisher: Kotobukyia

Creator: Hirotoshi Nakamura
Scale: eighth
Material: PVC / ABS
Cast off: not
Price: 5,800 yen

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chest Right Arm Numbness

Elwing 1 / 8 Kotobukyia - Preview

Kotobukyia is one of the best manufacturers of action figures, statues adorn its offer with many well-known series. It is no different from Elwing announced here that I decided to take the workshop as the first.
only remains to ask ourselves the question whether figure itself is not what they meet my high expectations, and whether the company itself, in a way not powinęła a leg. For these and other questions I invite you to my first review, which should zagościć not for much longer on my blog freshly reactivated.