Saturday, May 22, 2010

Obesity Chart In Singapore 2010

Doing Gymnastics Finger (fingering)

To start our practice, get used to doing gymnastics first finger (fingering). This should be done so that our fingers are not stiff and make it more flexible so that finger movements can become more agile, yes .. that's also sprained his finger nga

Here This way of doing the fingering on the guitar:

1. Place your index finger positions beginning on the fifth fret strings 1 (see posting elements on the guitar )

2. While holding the fifth fret on first string, ring it with a string also picked

3. Continue by pressing the sixth fret with the middle finger remains on the string 1 (position of the index finger remained in its original position, do not be lifted lho), while it also sounds a string a

4. Press the seventh fret with the ring finger still on the string 1 (position of the index finger and middle finger still in position), while sounding his strings a

5. Press the eighth fret with your little finger remains on string 1 (position the index finger, middle finger and ring finger remained in its position)

6. Now continue the steps from first to second string starting position of the index finger up to the string 2, the third position the other fingers remain in their respective position (middle finger = 1st fret the sixth string, seventh fret ring finger string = 1, little finger eighth fret string = 1)

7. After the index finger up to the string 2 on the fifth fret, second string ring

8. Continue to raise the middle finger to the string 2 on the sixth fret (remember, the second position the other fingers remain in its original position), ring a chord 2

9. Do the same for the other two fingers

10. After all the fingers on the strings position 2, raise again the strings 3. Keep the above ways (starting from how to-6) until all the fingers on the strings position 6

11. After all the fingers on strings 6, the lower back to string 5 with the index finger first sequence (each sequence finger stays on the same fret) continued with the middle finger, ring finger and little finger.

12. Do it until all the fingers back to string a

13. This fingering exercise for about 50-10 minutes

When done regularly, this exercise will greatly help fellow newbies. At first it's hard, but I'm sure my friends will.

Good practice


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