In these photos you can see weapons made in Catalonia during the war. First we Manresa rifle, which we have little information. Obviously, it was made the capital of Bages, under the orders of the Government.

Then we have the carabiner Mauser M1916, which seems to be built in small numbers in factories and the Principality of Valencia.

Thirdly we can see the gun Ascaso . As we read, it was a copy of the Astra 400 pistol Unceta y Cia.

occurred at the factory no. 290 Terrace, under the orders of the Secretary of Armament, dependent on the Government of the Republic, then. As can be deduced, Faist named leader who died in the assault on the shipyards during the fascist uprising. Go to about 5,000 units.

Another pistol, also inspired by the Astra said, is the Republic pistol, manufactured in Alginet (Ribera Alta). In total there were about 15,000 copies.

Finally, we see the photograph of a Valero Mortar, 50 mm .. In fact it is a copy made in Catalonia for the war industry, in 1937.
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