The lletgisme and need a verb .
Many cultures have a word or a verb "generic", which can be used for a variety of meanings, such as carded , widely used around Vic and filmed in general or barrufar The generic verb excellence used " far from here, on the other side of the world" any action, time, context ... Not to mention the multitude of verbs used for this purpose in different regions of Zimbawe. The Lletgisme lacks a verb that refers to what is being lletgista action. Do not you feel proud to take a dictionary (there dictionaries, dictionaries of verb) and find:
milk termination deciding v tr / intr action and effect to be doing something lletgista . Missing
decided, although the conjugation (1st, 2nd or 3rd) although I do not deny that most lletgista is the third! And whether a verb is transitive or intransitive. Here are some examples of use:
ugly -> I'm ugly ugly block
-> I have a new song
ugly ugly -> The other day I ugly a concert Stanislaus
ugly -> I'm ugly "Uglyism for dummies" / / I go to the ugly Rodolfo
can bring your ideas to lend a hand to the members of CEL (Centre for Studies Llegistes) to, among all over the world better. Think
with everyone! We must also find a symbol for the body language.
world Яa Bitllenc
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