obsession You do not have fixed what we measure things? Not only will it tell us that: "I saw a truck longer! "or" this is no bog a lot of water. "No, no ... that's enough! need to know more accurately:" I saw a truck that was about 15'783 feet long "and" this reservoir has a capacity of 289,581 cubic hectometres '3.
And the truth is that many times we stayed just because someone has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat occupies hectometre cubic volume, or how much area is one hectare? Yes, we all know the theory, but someone could say at first glance, going day by Mount few cubic hectometres fit in a pond or how many acres it occupies field?
not worry, there are people who have made measure (pun intended) to this problem. It is what might be called the SUM: System Units or media UAIM: Units High media impact. You see, these units are used serve basically to let impressed the staff and to give significance to a fact that if it were given in units of "normal" SI: International System, would completely desaparcebudes.
Lets take a test:
1 - rain water tank Area College has a capacity of 145,000 cubic meters .
2 - the water that collects rainwater from the tank could be filled Zona Universitaria 60 Olympic swimming pools.
What do you think? You see what units are talking to. Here I put some conversion factors you can use from now when you watch the news or read the newspaper (the free, basically, we are able to give relevance to a world war to a clash between a platypus and a chameleon that lame walked quietly through the woods)-
Volume: Olympic swimming pools (2,500 m ^ 3)
-Surface: football (5,500 m ^ 2)
-Length: round the world (40,075 km) from
500.000km can be used to "travel to the Moon" (384.400km)
-weight: Cars (1,400 kg)
-Time: generations (25-30 years)
-Temperature: ...
Like most useless could find similes such as the quantification of how warm it was, which is usually expressed in sleeves or layers.
Within the "impactisme" Sometimes journalists need to also find the fact of not being able to simply give a specific number of people affected. No, things have been expressed in percentages as long as the data are "negative" except when dealing with people, then called " x each and people ..." however, always looking x and y to give more Negativism in the news: not the same said
1 - "more sixty-five percent of people do not work like that"
2 - " two in three people do not work like that of"
seems much more dramatic the second sentence, but the proportion is the same!
Here I have put some of that joke to me, but I'm sure you know to find many more. Pay attention from now on catastrotícies (no need to see "People", this program is a source of depression) and be sure to discuss expanding the list to go!
monЯa Bitllenc
PS: I propose to recover and reuse the currency sadly abandoned by xatarreros, ragmen other people and "street": the hard! (0'03Euros)
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