HAY-as with all ideologies, interpretations and different sensitivities on liberalism. No one should assume either the definition or representation of true liberalism. It would certainly be very liberal. Upon acceptance of the foregoing, it is clear some other things because in this political world, confused and upset, the liberal ideology has suffered sectarian manipulations, rude and abusive.
is an undeniable fact that both in form and, to some extent in background, socialists and conservatives, or in today's language, center right and center-left have been forced to accept the intellectual superiority and more effective practice of liberal views in almost all areas and most especially economically. No one can deny that reality. What can and should refuse categorically is that the simple acceptance, as forced as part of liberal principles, they become, without any further effort, in Liberal. Conservative liberalism and socialism have something liberal and sometimes far-contradiction in terms. A component in both anti-liberal ideologies that it is impossible to conceal. They have, in short, faith in the individual or are willing to focus on his core political action.
are ideologies that have played a decisive role in history and will continue to play because it still respond to trends and basic human aspirations. But they are living very difficult times. The collapse of Marxism, the acceleration of the cultural, economic and technological, the progressive dilution of the nation-state concept coupled with the explosion of nationalism, and increasing levels of complexity in advanced societies, have sunk to Conservatives and socialists in a process of renewal and adaptation that are not prepared in any way. Do not know what to do or how to begin. They have therefore decided to earn as much as possible to cling to liberalism as it suits them and everything else to pragmatism and opportunism absolute, even if they are lead-positions of examples-a radically at variance with the traditional ideological essence.
However, and if they try to hide it, just basic characteristics emanating from one or the other way. The Conservatives maintain they still do and socialists socialize. And there certainly will not or can reach the future. The story is being written, and will not be written in the medium to long term, socialist or conservative. The guide will be basic ideological liberal. "Liberalism is not saying anything else-is long Ralf Dahrendorf, a political theory of innovation and change" and therefore the system of thought is best suited to an era in which the human being must determined to be free (free liberalism) from structures to press the new values, new culture and new options emerging in this exciting time that will be dominated by scientific developments and technological spectacular.
But let's, first of all, several things. There is, of course, liberal person who professes and defends xenophobic or racist feelings as it does at present a high percentage of citizens of the Western world is not liberal the person seeking possession, nothing more and nothing less than the truth absolute, not a liberal, in particular, who claims his religion as well be true, is the only true and that, therefore, the others are false or at least, less salutary, not defending liberal traditions or privileges but be important cause of inequality, nor that accepts these inequalities as inevitable and even natural to the human condition is not liberal society that places a higher value to the individual and equality as a principle that prevails over the freedom, it is not liberal, and deserves well worth clarifying this issue, creating myths and sanctifies the market as the universal panacea.
Liberalism understands that, as a rule, the market is the system that allows a more efficient allocation of resources and therefore the one that best facilitates not only the creation but also the distribution of wealth. But if for any reason this is not so, liberalism has defended and will defend unequivocally public sector performance and direct intervention, provided that is not permanent and the process can be controlled at all times by civil society. Liberalism is opposed, without any reservation, to all forms of concentration of economic power, whether public or private, and therefore calls for strict enforcement of antitrust laws and rules that uphold fair competition. Liberalism has nothing to do with the so-called "wild capitalism" or any system which causes helplessness and oppression of the citizen. Liberalism protest against a world where inequalities are widening both internationally and nationally, precisely because counterfeited and adulterated market rules in favor of the most powerful.
There is no worse or more false liberal, that is with the greatest respect, that he who limits his liberalism to the economic world. It is liberal in everything you are not liberal at all. Liberalism is not simply or primarily an economic theory. Liberalism cares much more to be that having and although deeply respects the desire for private ownership and the private interest of every human being, gives a critical value approaches to moral, without which the system collapses and trap for fools , as is happening with the financial and real estate sector. Not one of the great thinkers and philosophers of liberalism (especially Adam Smith and Hayek ) have stopped insisting on this idea. We can not forget, says Röpke, that "things are truly critical which are beyond supply and demand, those which depend on the meaning, dignity and inner fulfillment of existence."
Abramos with these and other ideas and good serious discussion. A cultured and civilized debate in which it would be worthwhile to investigate why, despite the ideological triumph, liberals, I am a good example-have been so clumsy and so incapable of political action and how gain insight into the political market strongly dominated by a sterile bipartisanship. It would be a boring discussion refreshing in the current scenario. Already under way, slowly but surely, a new project (Liberal Democratic Centre) has learned much from the political mistakes in interpreting the economic reality and is prepared for a battle that in objective terms, although it seemed impossible today is the only alternative government. Perhaps it is finally time!
Antonio Garrigues Walker
LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC CENTER (CDL), the only alternative government.
HAY-as with all ideologies, interpretations and different sensitivities on liberalism. No one should assume either the definition or representation of true liberalism. It would certainly be very liberal. Upon acceptance of the foregoing, it is clear some other things because in this political world, confused and upset, the liberal ideology has suffered sectarian manipulations, rude and abusive.
A British Community Almanzora
It is an undeniable fact that both in form and, to some extent, basically, socialists and conservatives, or in today's language, center right and center-left have been forced to accept the intellectual superiority and more efficient practice liberal concepts in almost all areas and most especially economically. No one can deny that reality. What can and should refuse categorically is that the simple acceptance, as forced as part of liberal principles, they become, without any further effort, in Liberal. Conservative liberalism and socialism have something liberal and sometimes far-contradiction in terms. A component in both anti-liberal ideologies that it is impossible to conceal. They have, in short, faith in the individual and are willing to focus on the basic political action.
They are ideologies which have played a decisive role in history and will continue to play because it still respond to trends and basic human aspirations. But they are living very difficult times. The collapse of Marxism, the acceleration of the cultural, economic and technological, the progressive dilution of the nation-state concept coupled with the explosion of nationalism, and increasing levels of complexity in advanced societies, have sunk to conservative and Socialists in a process of renewal and adaptation that are not prepared in any way. Do not know what to do or how to begin. They have therefore decided to earn as much as possible to cling to liberalism as it suits them and everything else to pragmatism and opportunism absolute, even if they are lead-positions of examples-a radically at variance with the traditional ideological essence. However, and if they try to hide it, just basic characteristics emanating from one or the other way. The Conservatives were still like to continue, and the Socialists, socializing. And there certainly will not or can reach the future. The story is being written, and will not be written in the medium to long term, socialist or conservative. The guide will be basic ideological liberal. "Liberalism is not saying anything else-is long Ralf Dahrendorf, a political theory of innovation and change" and therefore the system of thought is best suited to an era in which the human being must determined to be free (free liberalism) from structures to press the new values, new culture and new options emerging in this exciting time that will be dominated by spectacular scientific and technological developments. But let's, first of all, several things. There is, of course, liberal person who professes and defends xenophobic or racist feelings as it does at present a high percentage of citizens of the Western world is not liberal the person seeking possession, nothing more and nothing less than the truth absolute, not a liberal, in particular, who claims his religion as well be true, is the only true and that, therefore, the others are false or at least, less salutary, not defending liberal traditions or privileges but be important cause of inequality, nor does it accept these inequalities as inevitable and even natural to the human condition is not liberal society that places a higher value to the individual and equality as a principle which prevails over the liberty is not liberal, and well worth clarifying this issue, creating myths and sanctifies the market as the universal panacea. Liberalism understands that, as a rule, the market is the system that allows a more efficient allocation of resources and therefore the best facilitates not only the creation but also the distribution of wealth. But if for any reason this is not so, liberalism has defended and will defend unequivocally the performance of public sector and its direct intervention, provided that is not permanent and the process can be controlled at all times by civil society. Liberalism is opposed, without any reservation, to all forms of concentration of economic power, whether public or private, and therefore calls for strict enforcement of antitrust laws and rules that uphold fair competition. Liberalism has nothing to do with the so-called "wild capitalism" or any system which causes helplessness and oppression of the citizen. Liberalism protest against a world where inequalities are widening both internationally and nationally, precisely because it is fake and adulterated market rules in favor of the most powerful. There is no worse or more false liberal, that is with the greatest respect, that he who limits his liberalism to the economic world. It is liberal in everything you are not liberal at all. Liberalism is not simply or primarily an economic theory. Liberalism cares much more to be that having and although deeply respects the desire for private ownership and the private interest of every human being, gives a critical value approaches to moral, without which the system collapses and trap for fools , as is happening with the financial and real estate sector. Not one of the great thinkers and philosophers of liberalism (and especially Adam Smith and Hayek) are no longer insisting on this idea. We can not forget, says Röpke, that "things are truly critical which are beyond supply and demand, those which depend on the meaning, dignity and inner fulfillment of existence." Let's open with these and other ideas and good serious discussion. A cultured and civilized debate in which it would be worthwhile to investigate why, despite the ideological triumph, liberals, I am a good example-have been so clumsy and so incapable of political action and how to gain insight into the political market strongly dominated by a sterile bipartisanship. It would be a boring discussion refreshing in the current scenario. Already under way, slowly but surely, a new project (Liberal Democratic Centre) has learned a lot of political mistakes in interpreting the economic reality and is prepared for a battle that in objective terms, although it seemed impossible, today today is the only alternative government. Perhaps it is finally time! Antonio Garrigues Walker Jurist
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