After the written deJavier Aurelio Garcia, Secretary General of the PP and ratified Porel President Almería province, Gabriel Amato, Zurgena, are lasincógnitas cleared all the mayor, hopefully for the next four years will be: Trabalon Candido Fernandez.
Javier Aurelio Garcia, in various media, writes:
Socialists assume, at this time, a serious problem for the future of Spain.
llamadoa The party is naturally lead the process of ending the crisis to which we so hanconducido of irresponsablepersonajes as Zapatero, Grin, Chaves or Rubalcaba.
Best of PartidoPopular are all fans, friends, supporters or members quecomparten common desire to do good things for Almeria, Andalusia and porEspaña. Them and they are undoubtedly the best of the Partido Popular. Estenuevo going to give impetus to the province of Almeria in their institutions setraducirá in higher levels of eficaciay transparency and higher levels of management and public service. Noscomprometemos to enhance the principle that should govern our actions: Principleis of general interest should guaranteed and if you permit me the expression, ennoble . And to do no better way to engage as servants suinstitución Township and more representative, the City
In the PP, not secontempla that elections are a check siguientescuatro target for years, a license to make and unmake loscompromisos outside adopted and will of the people .
This determination WORKING Almería hard to oust the crisis to which we haempujado the irresponsibility of the leaders of the Socialist Party is not the result of electoral unacampaña but the work of management and opposition in the diferentesayuntamientos of Almeria.
Almería The provincial delegate of the Ministry Equality and Social Welfare Board of Andalusia, Adela Segura, is committed to the Association Personascon of Disability 'Betis' to address the recent problem encountered this May with older cards Parking, why the local police This fine with 100EUR given that the cards should have been replaced by new, made this attributable to the special collaboration of the Executive Equity beneficiode socialist electoral interests and more specifically, Zurgena. If dehecho today, all's exclusive English lospolíticos need much more need of it, the disabled, not sueficiencia, if not the unnecessary bureaucracy emanating from the justification of the position. In short, alone was to "change" the other card. Do not hesitate to those affected, comosiempre, efficiency Luis RogelioRodríguez-Commander (PP), Mayor of Almería, will remedy this "oversight" socialist.
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Trabalon Candido, Mayor of Zurgena (2011-2015) |
only be decirque already in Zurgena: "Habemus MAYOR" and this is possibly the least bad of the three Options to Candido Trabalon Fernández.
Congratulations, Mayor