Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How Long Take To Work Metronidazole

Elections 22M? "The PSOE, the lost, the PP, not if you vote won

22M mover socialist debacle, nor the most "Conditioned by subjectivity" losanalistas political questions that "the PP wins the upcoming eleccionesgenerales NO. Nor should we be very talented, one goal, to see LaRealidad, have won popular where only where they were depoder only alternative. However, where there was a serious political party or bienestructurada, have lost popular. I will not mention one by one, but only enough county a look at the electoral map to deduce that the big winners have been 22M CiU, IU-more-just 200,000 votes, CC, UPyD, Bildu, UPN and even the legendary Alvarez Cascos.
That is so important to queel PP, in Andalusia, has achieved an absolute majority in the 8 capital deprovincia is not surprising, in fact were already the largest party in them. The Junta de Andalucía junteros puedenpecar of clumsy, but never schemers, know too well that just CloseHotel Faucet peons, or PER-rural-and refinanciacionesde liability for current expenditure in the municipalities of the capital, all, all waters flow back to where it emanated. Anyone who doubts that the Board A. is ruined, is a fool, and he who doubts that the councils of PP estánobligados to raise taxes to meet recurrent spending power is "pocointeligente" and that's not precisely "holds" its deserved or undeserved voto.No is task Andalusian easy to explain to the fault of the PSOE, I loaseguro.
Today the English question is whether or not advance lasgenerales Zapatero, a decision that only depends on the PSOE and ethics, that is, NO early election, unless there is a leak vacassagradas little improbable. If the PP submit a censure motion, no tendríasuficientes favorable votes in Congress and everyone knows that if put to entering the popular socialists, portanto, not benefited, MOTION DISMISSED. In the worst case, only two or three months seganarían.
Finally, to date, the PP has been limited to make a oposicióndestructiva without proposals, some qualified candidates without programaelectoral worthy smallest credit. Now, with votes to debendemostrar who can lead out of the crisis, which is extremely complicated, so that their votes will "burn" in favor of Spain you only need a resounding NO AL Bipartite .
Finally medidasrestrictivas Do you know how many have taken the "Vara" of Extremadura with the help of PP?, ALL. Now, give them ... ... ..
Do you know how Aznar of Spain took the "ruin", tomorrow I tell you?
I, too, am outraged.


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