Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blank New Zealand Drivers


CDL Leading the way people
1 .- A CDL City is governed by those who can not and must use the instruments of power in party benefits. The City belongs to all neighbors. In fact, absolutely, all measures not covered by base of the program are neighbors or a committee chosen by them, which determine their approval and if so, monitoring and control of it.

2 .- A CDL City is one that all public officials, staff or contract, it will be on the basis of merit and ability, not by political ideology. It will always be a committee of citizens who chairs the selection board. Of course, the tests only be destroyed at the request of the review, the faculty of taking this up twice, asking the same comparative analysis. There will be no exclusions for opponents with the exception of those determined by the law

3 .- A CDL City is that public spending is clear that governments can not prevent control or breakdown bastanteos expenses. Every month we will publish the status of the statement and the next forecast.

4 .- A CDL City is that the services offered to citizens work promptly, effectively and transparently.

5 .- A City CDL is one in which the rulers are only facilitators of municipal management, can never impose their symbol of authority.

6 .- A CDL City is that in allowing
the opposition work in the same conditions and
the same opportunities that they themselves .

7 .- A CDL City must promote the
social progress and cultural values \u200b\u200b
democratic politics ie tolerance,
dialogue, pluralism, power control,
solidarity and combating social marginalization
and unjust inequalities.

8 .- A CDL City is that its rulers
serve people not served the people.

9.-A CDL City is one that assists, promotes and encourages
creativity of undertake, therefore
never charged, in advance, all those
that decide to settle in our municipality.

10 .- In short, a municipality CDL
is clear that the only way to have a just society,
fair, equal and responsible. Counting
all and everyone.


1 .- A CDL City is governed by those who can not and 

must use the instruments of power in party benefits.  
The City belongs to all neighbors.   In fact, absolutely,
 all measures not included in the base of the 
program are neighbors or a committee chosen by 
them, which determine their approval and if so, 

monitoring and control of it.  

2 .- A CDL City is one that all public officials, staff or 

contract, it will be on the basis of merit and ability, 
not by political ideology.   It will always be a committee 
of citizens who chairs the selection board.   Of 
course, the tests only be destroyed at the request of
 the review, the faculty of taking this up twice, asking
 the same comparative analysis.   There will be no 
exclusions for opponents except those determined by 


3 .- A CDL City is that public spending is clear that 

governments can not prevent a control, bastanteos
 or breakdown of expenditure.   Every month we will 

publish the status of the statement and the next forecast.  

4 .- A CDL City is that the services offered to citizens work

 promptly, effectively and transparently.  

5 .- A CDL City is one in which the rulers are only 

facilitators of municipal management, can never 

impose their symbol of authority.  

6 .- A CDL City is one where the opposition is allowed 

to work under the same conditions and with the 

same opportunities as themselves.  

7 .- A CDL City must promote social progress and the

 values  ​​ of democratic political culture, namely, tolerance,
 dialogue, pluralism, power control, solidarity 

and combating social marginalization and  

  unjust inequalities.  

8 .- A CDL City is that their leaders serve the people, 

not serve the people.  

9 .- A CDL City is one that assists, promotes and 

encourages the creation and maintenance of its 
economic potential industrial, commercial and
 promotes the creativity of entrepreneurs and 
undertake, ie, a municipality CDL never charged, 
in advance, not a single Euro   to any company wishing
to settle in our term.  

Juan Pardo


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