http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV_YmfrbSxE&feature=player_embedded # at = 16
Stud Zurgena voters, at least, have a political ideology related aAny of the two parties forming the bipartite (PSOE-PP) were deberesultar difficult decision to vote the party for which, in theory, their ideas should be decisive. But just think of them, PSOE, is directly responsible for the greatest economic disaster and work conditions in the history of Spain and the team they want to represent enZurgena, does not have, has no plan Municipal strategy have, in addition to be complicit of corruption at City Hall to quepretenden access. Like it and decide they are better ideals, and novenden or tobacconists.
Stud Zurgena voters, at least, have a political ideology related aAny of the two parties forming the bipartite (PSOE-PP) were deberesultar difficult decision to vote the party for which, in theory, their ideas should be decisive. But just think of them, PSOE, is directly responsible for the greatest economic disaster and work conditions in the history of Spain and the team they want to represent enZurgena, does not have, has no plan Municipal strategy have, in addition to be complicit of corruption at City Hall to quepretenden access. Like it and decide they are better ideals, and novenden or tobacconists.
The other, PP, and is not, nor is she expected; piensanque the acronym "vote" without realizing that that's a graveerror: Zurgena, PP does not deserve a no obligation, no program ......... according to them "" "as we Agana in Spain Eye to the data they will help" the "" money missing from city coffers, "cuentanueva clean slate" and recurring revenue receivable podemoshacer say What? Although, I fear they do not know or question.
must be hard to have an ideology and saberque they purport to represent the municipal government are auténticadecepción do not meet their expectations as they are in favor of propuestasperjudiciales for the good of the municipality, are apathetic to provide and rápidospara deceive. If trick is to give the lie as truth, therefore, ignore the reality is lying or are ignorant of the brutal out of position inthe municipal coffers. Why not make it public? Cundo have tenidorepresentación in the previous corporation. Bit by bit quiet clear-cut orders of those who have. Whoever moves, not in the photo UNSOLO COUNCILMAN IS MUCH HARDER THAN OR OTHER REMAINING TEN CORPORATION OF
For Zurgena voters, at least, have a politicalideology related to any of the two parties forming the bipartite (PSOE-PP) theymust be a difficult decision to vote for the party for which, in theory, theirideas should be decisive. But just think of them, PSOE, is directlyresponsible for the increased employment and economic disaster in the historyof Spain and the team that he wants to represent Zurgena, not to be, has noMunicipal Strategy Plan, besides being complicit in the corruption in themunicipality for which they are. Like it and decide they are better ideals,and not sell or tobacconists.
The other, PP, andis not, nor expect, believe that the acronym "vote" without realizingthat this is a grave error: Zurgena, PP does not deserve a no obligation, noprogram ........ . according to them "" how we will win inSpain Eye to the data they will help "" "of money missing fromcity coffers," clean slate "and recurring revenue receivable Howcan we say? Although, I fear they do not know or that are the revenue.
It must be hard to have an ideology and knowthat they purport to represent the municipal government are a realdisappointment, not meeting their expectations as they are in favor ofproposals affect the interests of the municipality, are apathetic to make andquick to deceive. If trick is to give the lie as truth, therefore, ignorethe reality is lying or are ignorant of the brutal out of position on themunicipal coffers. Why not make it public? Cundo have beenrepresented in the previous corporation. Sharp orders of silence fromthose who have. Whoever moves, not in the photoCOUNCILMAN HAS JUST AS MUCHOR MORE POWER TO THE OTHER TEN REMAINING OF THE CORPORATION, IS THE"REASON" is on their side.Another thing is that the reason has beencountered by favoritism.CDL VOTES HAVE COMMITMENT AND FUTURE.
government are a realdisappointment, not meeting their expectations as they are in favor ofproposals affect the interests of the municipality, are apathetic to make andquick to deceive. If trick is to give the lie as truth, therefore, ignorethe reality is lying or are ignorant of the brutal out of position on themunicipal coffers. Why not make it public? Cundo have beenrepresented in the previous corporation. Sharp orders of silence fromthose who have. Whoever moves, not in the photoCOUNCILMAN HAS JUST AS MUCHOR MORE POWER TO THE OTHER TEN REMAINING OF THE CORPORATION, IS THE"REASON" is on their side.Another thing is that the reason has beencountered by favoritism.CDL VOTES HAVE COMMITMENT AND FUTURE.
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