That uneurodiputado win more than 8,000 Euros a month, almost did not bother me. Ahorabien, which is part of the commission information of agriculture in the European Parliament, without being qualified, or academic or professionally, only to be rewarded with additional € 2,500, this if I am concerned, it is clear that our interests in the EC defend them with political mask.
For about 15 days, the agricultural products estánsiendo outraged Almeria, without cause, by Central European countries. Neither unsolo English MEP has made the slightest attempt to clarify the situation, is if someone calls for calm are the institutes and public authorities affected countries.
Almería greenhouse |
Copialiteral with simultaneous translator.
Hamburg ElInstituto Hygiene and Environment (HU) Saludy Ministry of Consumer Protection (BGV) has a cucumber claramenteidentificados Spain as a carrier of Escherichia coli (EHEC). The exhibition focuses endoscopic English cucumbers and a cucumber to date of unknown origin also had positive tests for EHEC.
Therefore, should wash produce before eating, or anything new.
queaunque So, for the farmer of Almeria, losses have been millions, sureputación and professionalism as a supplier of fruit and paramedian vegetables from the other world and not be affected. Here have failed centrosde official control and monitoring, therefore, the farmer has suffered economically and serrestituido enough for their work and aportacióndineraria, in order to help them rebuild their business.
Eurodiputadosy MEPs and their ignorance in this and many other subjects esmas evident Who advises them? Well, that, that advises them as alternative responsablecivil the State ... .. must "amoquinar" to the last euro devuestras losses, too you have to provide us, and sometimes even perdiendodinero and, of course, your work. Porcierto, our MEPs also paid 41,000 Euros anualespara cover administrative costs, it is assumed that those costs are for "request" information the field to defend.
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