Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How To Get White Out Off Of A Locker

Zurgena, Do you think it a public debate between the two, all the people know that you represent the PA, PSOE and PP?

No. 1 for information ZURGENA Liberal .

Lafalta of transparency in the municipal accounts of the current team Zurgena quegestiona City Council and unethical depresentarse when re-election, sinprograma, no commitment, no structure, no computer, and worse, budgets sinaprobar worthy to be taken into account when the people of the negative ripple economic and social nightmare living simply harmful to zurgeneros esmuy.

irregularities Not judicialespendientes itself to extreme lengths delusional, because if you put a minimum losmagistrados objectivity, nothing will happen, among other beings because I believe blindly in your innocence, but the atmosphere querodeará after. It may sound arrogant, but loszurgeneros need, in the stench of worsening crisis and uncertainties muydifíciles clearing which has led the central government outstanding lacolaboración Board of Andalusia and the lack of skills deenmienda purposes of those who opt for re-election are three insurmountable walls. You, on your part , you have learned, I hanobligado to live with that tension , the more, and performance mayorconcentración you do you find to your own lies.

Laconstrucción has failed, at least for 20 years and, apparently, our current mayor, has not yet been made wing idea or not conceived as sufficient. No, Mayor, you can not unaacera that extends and enhances your street with the neighborhood of the dew, among other things, because their rate of population, according to you, does not exceed the per hectare ochohabitantes like you did not notice or do not well reported impact dela lead this lot, but that report exists. I, I have, therefore in the public domain. I commend to you and your equipogestor a review Law 7 / 02. Not everything bad esses, but not content to look down on other areas if they meet the minimum required rate withthe also do not pay property tax, only a day or so of today recurring income to meet the current expenditure of the City; them, if they pay.

A people, if Zurgena, without young people well prepared professionally, deninguna of the ways to make progress. Where is the training school queprometisteis in previous elections? I, personally, I offered aayudaros on that topic. But yours is the brick delpelotazo broth.

your disposal, with the approval of the opposition, some money for defense Legal status of the "legality" of the British community in Zurgena and I will you spend on defense vuestrapropia. Not content with that, excruciating payment, we will do more than 100 hectares urbanasal lawyer who, upon payment of the amount, you will defend and, incidentally, about three acres to the immediate family of N ° 2 estaselecciones PSOE. Silence is not cheap right?. So, no opposition. Is that erael PGOU that pretended to expose the día27 and I, personally, I ordered that the Board electoral loprohibiese? Do not take this the wrong thing, just because it was a trap ostenían prepared, plus there is more defendants who are little or no grace hacía.Mejor that this new mayor Does it seem right? Yes, for those devuestra list "deny fault of the above" I'm new "in politics there is not the virgin called Mary, Mother of Jesus.

Do you find it not unfortunate that your disastrous management, Zurgena, has been sinservicio post?. I remind you that your former and unfulfilled promise was to enhance the ypúblico service.

Porúltimo, can you not drop their heads in shame to go or send to the gas station with bottles deArboleas having to buy diesel as there is a gas station in Zurgena? Do you know that a portion of our revenues from that facility?. Hydrocarbons Law, articles 92 to 98. I guess you will have pictures of the budgetary slippage, pordescontado beneficial to municipal coffers.

Mayor, do you think either a public debate between the two, since you represent a tupartido, the PSOE and the PP? So avoid unnecessary expenditure on banners, posters, mentimitinear and also the people nomolestamos speakers with "zurreo" deafening. Zurgena, to thrive, it must be different from therest peoples, they surpass us only in alphabetical order.

Aristotle said "The only stable state esaquel that all citizens are equal before the law and beyond" in the absence ofthis who freely choose people who represent it ... .. that and otrosmuchos these were the basis of what today is called DEMOCRACY. By the way, he spearheaded lacandidatura Liberal Democratic Centre.

Day 6, twelve o'clock at night, posters attached No fights and Conord. I'll stick on the 23. My public space as you give in, if nothing else, for laamistad that unites us and, of course, I will not lose.

Juan Pardo, CDL.

. The lack of transparency in the municipal accounts ofthe current team that manages the City of Zurgena and unethical when presentedfor re-election, without program, without compromise, without structure,without computer, and worse, without passing   budgets worthy to be taken into account when drawing the people ofthe economic and social nightmare living simply, it is very harmful tozurgeneros.

  Not by judicialirregularities slopes themselves, raving to extreme lengths, because if thejudges will put a minimum of objectivity, nothing will happen, among otherthings because I believe blindly in your innocence, but the atmosphere thatsurrounds the after  
.   It may sound arrogant, but zurgeneros need, within thewhiff of crisis worse and very difficult to clear unknowns which has led thecentral government in collaboration with leading the Regional Government andthe lack of skills in order to   amendment of those who opt forre-election are three insurmountable walls.   You, on your part, you have learned, I have been forcedto live with that tension, much more, better concentration and performance, wedo you find to your own lies.

The construction has failed,at least for 20 years and, apparently, our current mayor has not yet made uphis mind or has not conceived as sufficient.  
No, Mayor, you can not make a sidewalk that extends andenhances your street with the neighborhood of the dew, among other things,because their rate of population, according to you, no more than eight peopleper hectare, as you realized or not   not well informed you of the impact thatthis would lead to outrage, but that report exists.   I, I have, therefore in the public domain.   I commend to you and your management team an overview ofthe Law 7 / 02.   Not everything bad is that, but notcontent to look down on other neighborhoods that if they meet the requiredminimum rate, also do not pay property tax, the only recurring income today tomeet the current expenditures of the City, including, if   pay.

  A people, if Zurgenawithout well-trained young professional in any of the ways to make progress.  
Where is the training school you promised in previouselections?   I, personally, I offered to help you onthat topic.   But yours is a brick, a breeding groundfor pitch.

Your disposal, with theapproval of the opposition, some money for legal defense of the"legality" of the British community in Zurgena and I will you spendin your own defense.  
Not content with that, excruciatingpayment, we will do over 100 acres to the city attorney, upon payment of the amount,you will defend and, incidentally, about three acres to a family member of thePSOE No. 2 in this election.   Silence is not cheap right?.   So, no opposition.   Was that the General Plan that pretended to expose theday 27 and that I, personally, I took the electoral prohibition?   Do not take this the wrong thing, just because it was atrap that I had prepared, plus there is more charged that little or no grace, Idid.   Better than present the new mayor Does it seem right? Yes, for those of your list to "deny fault of the above" I'mnew "in politics there is not the virgin called Mary, Mother of Jesus.

Do not you find itregrettable that your disastrous management, Zurgena, has been without mailservice?.  
I remind you that your former and enhancethe promise was unfulfilled and public service.

Finally, can you not droptheir heads in shame to go or send to the gas station of trees with bottles andhaving to buy diesel at a gas station Zurgena?  
I guess you will have pictures of the budgetaryslippage, of course, beneficial to the municipal coffers.   I do not inform you in advance, because you canmanipulate the numbers, not reality.

Mayor, do you think either apublic debate between the two, since you represent your party, the PSOE and thePP?  
So avoid unnecessary expenses in banners, posters,mentimitinear and also the people do not bother with speakers of"zurreo" deafening.   Zurgena, to thrive, it must be differentto other peoples, they surpass us only in alphabetical order.

Aristóteles said "Theonly stable state is one that all citizens are equal before the law and beyondthe" but for this who freely choose people who represent it ... .. andmany others that these were the basis of what  
Today, it is called DEMOCRACY.   By the way, he spearheaded the nomination of the LiberalDemocratic Center.

  On day 6, at twelveo'clock at night, putting up posters without fights and in order.
I'll stick on the 23. My public space as you give in, if nothing else, thefriendship That States United States Us and, of course, I Will Not Lose.

Juan Pardo, CDL.


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