with so many struggles as we took the introduction of lademocracia in Spain so that gradually and progressively bigard apareciendouna series go with the one determined to undermine that end in profit. No one questions aquellalucha, is impoverishing the system. Symposia tell you the truth, I do not funny.
today among our politicians, no doubt, there everything. Serious people, honorable men and women, who undertook the dedication elcamino public vocation to serve the people, comoprofesión habitual or temporary occupation for a certain TIME PERIOD, both options may be perfectly valid, but suelereclamarse increasingly developing a previous activity, as well comoexperiencia or accreditation for the development of the functions elpueblo need. On the other hand, there are those who only seek power and seaprovechan his own benefit, not only by the "greatness" of the post tothe significant benefits, but because they lack other means of subsistence.
deldescontento and indignation that cause these freeloaders, born 15M. Pormuchos sticks to hit them in different plazasrepresentativas concentrated in the country, little or nothing is going to get the two-party or whatever awkwardness esigual two-party dictatorship, PP and PSOE.
Either way, politics is present even paraquienes the decline, and in itself, camping is a political act of quenadie doubt or at least, is concerned, this will influence the public próximasdecisiones . You may susplanteamientos or medium, for now, is not very clear; but if the purpose and cause for camping. For example, call for a reform of the electoral law obsolete, I, too, and you?, Which sonpartidarios of "open lists" your request is as just as necessary, entreotras things, that is participatory and enhances the ability of decisióndel people.
elections have passed, the people have decided quienlos represent and suddenly, with councilors elected nosencontramos PP of overnight are discípulospotenciales of Karl Heinrich Marx Presbuir or vice versa . That, politically, esincorrecto. Sure, if before manifest such agreements election, its results are the same. Therefore, the goodwill delvotante confused before and after the elections. But, no doubt, within cuatroaños, born a new right and left springs capable than green.
Finally, there is a village in the province of Almeria, Zurgena-my people, where the PA and the PSOE are tied to (4) council members, the PP (3) is the "key" (none esafiliado or member of the PP). One day we went to bed with the socialist mayor yotro Andalusians. The fault is not theirs, why what and who of the provincial "put"? "I'm just going to give you a hint, the Fund de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM) and two executive provincialcon reclassification of land interests in order to express machining the accounting ratios of the box to "shove it" the Bank of Spain put a "mole" in the lists.
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