Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pic Of Long Dong Silver

Three of the four parties that opt \u200b\u200bfor mayor of Zurgena are accused of corruption and ... meetings.

No. 1 for information ZURGENA Liberal .

the If you are falling in Spain , per se, it is more difficult to convince voters that there is still capable personnel for active policy in Zurgena, it is almost impossible. Do not be the slightest doubt that this only that is why I present my candidacy for mayor. Hence, any of the ways I could leave my village, only to danger. That currently there is much corruption at the national level, it is true, but Zurgena breaks all records, ten of eleven aldermen who formed the municipal corporation are charged with corruption and three of the four parties that opt \u200b\u200bfor mayor part of the above, ie, PA, PP and PSOE. Therefore, CDL, party for which I stand is the only one who came clean with the program, commitment and Municipal Structure Plan.

The term corruption is very difficult to define. What is clear is that this is a huge range. Always involves more than one person and involves promises by corrupt bulb, almost never can be carried out unless there is someone else's money or favoritism ultimately comes to the same thing. Literature is not about cheap, only to put on record that zurgeneros what, sadly, is happening, if not remedied, the 22M, it vitiate so that rather than a single event will be apparent habit "custom" of legality.

That my life is in danger, do not worry, I know. But God has given me a capacity such that, without being able to say everything I want, the zurgeneros, know everything I think, or live better. Instead. these tedious and corrupt parties that are able to "try to" sell you and say that snakes are good for sleep, luckily for Zurgena, and do not sell or smoke, simply, hardly anyone believes them.

What is the problem? Have fun in engaging every family meddling to a member regardless of ideologies or skills, but with the mendacious promise to which we are accustomed, then nothing at all or at best just induced the breach of the Act must not forget that in the case of Operation Costurero there are 43 defendants. Here are not saved or the spirit of creation. Adela Segura, Deputy Equal da, mother of the PA, formerly of UP and D, the visible head of the PSOE and the AP voters requesting that you will not be in any doubt, is an element in his own image and likeness will join the three parties (PP , PSOE and PA) in that we must recognize that it is skill. In contrast, burning an active socialist, Blas Diaz, who with their strengths and weaknesses as any human, will somehow have enabled the region over of 4,000 jobs. If he was criticized for encouraging Cosentino and reverse, then you have to accept reality, or what is the same, these companies are the sole breadwinners working in the area. We pray it is soon to come another Blas, even more criticism, but at least encourage other companies to be enabled if only half of workers. I can agree with his philosophy of life, but I can not deny the obvious. Perhaps this observation I subtract voters, I do not want to vote me the confused or obfuscated. Here, for the moment, it is "save" Zurgena of the incurable disease that can bring the tripartite.

Finally, I make a second bet, said the creative mother of the PA that they were the first to denounce corruption in Zurgena, if only provides a document stating so, I withdraw my candidacy, otherwise, just ask to be limited to exercise their sloppy work and social affairs Just give many children are being embedded by the parents in dumpsters supermarkets, where with luck, not always, found an expired yogurt .

On May 22 municipal elections are and fair play, without threats, it is more flattering than dirty liar. It is not like constructive criticism and destructive truthful and deceptive.

Juan Pardo.


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